Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Finally! A Non-Toxic SunScreen!

Keep your Family Safe

Introducing ava SUNSCREEN lotion with SPF 30+ 
Our new Ava SUNSCREEN is made from NON-nanoparticle zinc oxide (21%), organic fair trade shea butter, organic beeswax, organic cocoa,organic jojoba and organic olive oil. 
Our revolutionary sunscreen has no harmful ingredients, and is easily rubbed onto the skin, to avoid “whiteout!” You are going to love it!

SS01  SUNSCREEN 2.9 oz  $18.95   SS03  SUNSCREEN Trio      $54.95 ($2.00 savings!)
In its recently released 2011 Sunscreen Report, the Environmental Working Group states that it is unfortunate that consumers must …."pick your sunscreen: nanomaterials or potential hormone disruptors.”   

Well, there is no need to make this choice with Ava’s new sunscreen – we have NEITHER! 
 NO hormone disruptors, NO nanomaterials and NO harmful chemicals. (“The major choice in the U.S. is between “chemical” sunscreens, which have inferior stability and may disrupt the body’s hormone systems, and “mineral” sunscreens (zinc and titanium), which often contain micronized- or nano-scale particles of those minerals.”) 
We have determined that mineral sunscreens (zinc) have the best safety profile of today’s choices. They offer UVA protection, which is sorely lacking in most of today’s sunscreen products.” – EWG, Sunscreen Report, May 2011  
"The American Academy of Dermatology recommends a broad-spectrum (protects against UVA and UVB rays) water resistant sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, for year round use." Ava’s 30+ SPF fits this perfectly!
Dr. Patrick Sullivan, Double Board certified, nationally recognized Plastic Surgeon writes -   "What a stellar accomplishment. Congratulations Ava!  This is a very significant contribution. Everyone can benefit from a sunblock like this: It is safe and protects against both UVA and UVB harmful rays.  We will be making this available in our plastic surgery office and giving it the 'High Recommendation' for our patients.  Thank you for listening and responding to our need for a non toxic sunscreen.  I know you have been working hard on this one for sometime"

Patrick K. Sullivan, MD
Associate Prof. of Plastic Surgery
Brown University Alpert School of Medicine
For May only: Purchases of $80 or more will receive our "Pretty in Pink" blush FREE!
(Hurry--while supplies last) 
Don't forget to try our brand new hand sanitizer too! This is a personal favorite of mine!Host a Party to earn FREE products and "Host only" items.

Maxine Drake / CME Business Development Consultant for
Ava Anderson - Non Toxic Skin Care Products

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